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“A bad day of coffee is better than a good day without it”
Coffee is such an addictive drink that folks the world over simply cannot start a day without a cup of coffee. For the experts of coffee, it matters where it comes from too. Want to know how to find the finest coffee available? Here is a simple tour over the facts……

Colombian coffee is renowned the world over for its quality and delicious taste; in fact, along with a couple of other countries, Colombia’s coffee is generally seen as some of the best in the world. But what makes one country’s coffee better than another’s? Isn’t it all just coffee?

There are three principal factors which determine the quality of coffee (and we are talking about the raw product here, not the cup you drink at home or at the local café: that can be elevated or ruined by bad roasting, poor brewing technique or inappropriate storage). Below are the three factors, and some explanation as to why each one makes such a key difference when it comes to making Colombia’s coffee taste so good.

Geography and climate

There isn’t another part in the world that would support the growth of the finest coffee beans other than Colombia, not only the geography but the exact right rainfall are the blessing of nature that nurture the perfectly grown coffee bean that goes in to perfect cup of coffee rich in flavour. Coffee thrives in places with at least 200 centimetres (80 inches) of rainfall per year, as well as in locations where temperature never falls below freezing.

Colombia’s mountainous terrain, tropical location, high rainfall – but with just the right amount of sunlight, too – and relatively mild climate make for an unbelievably perfect land for coffee. People often say that Colombia was blessed with its amazing biodiversity and friendly locals, but if anything, its greatest blessing has been an ideal climate and geography for growing some of the world’s finest coffee.

Growing and harvesting…..

This factor cannot be underestimated when it comes to producing top-notch coffee. It’s not enough to have the perfect climate and terrain if your methods of growing and collecting coffee beans are sloppy or poorly executed. Being surrounded by trees and banana plants, the bean is protected from being exposed to the scorching hot sun. Labour matters as the bean undergoes many traditional methods such as been cared by hands when picked. Yes, you read that right: each one of the nearly 600,000 coffee producers in Colombia picks every bit of their harvest by hand.

Types of coffee

For many of us, coffee is simply coffee, but for the experts its slightly a tougher job with the two main types of coffee bean: arabica and robusta (as well as new varieties produced within those two species).Colombia, with its perfect terrain and climate, is one of the only countries that produce 100% arabica beans. But what does this have to do with the quality of Colombian coffee?

It’s simple, really. Arabica is widely considered to be the superior bean, and it is blessed with a sweeter and lighter taste, as well as less caffeine – about half the amount – and stronger acidic notes. In short, arabica produces a tastier, richer cup of coffee than robusta, and Colombia’s 100% arabica status is bound to add up to some pretty amazing coffee.

Coffee is not just boiling water poured on coffee grounds but takes much more, from picking to packing and in between roasting. Even the finest coffee is not roasted properly would not be the finest. However, if you are looking to enjoy a cup of the finest coffee in the world, look no further than Colombia for your beans. And now you know exactly why Colombian coffee is so good!

How can you find that proper coffee bean or coffee ground to brew the perfect coffee? Well, Ocey brings the world’s best coffee, from picturesque Colombia to markets in Australia and New Zealand….
Now you can wake up to the best brewed coffee from Colombia…..